The latest reports from the ZANE carers in Zimbabwe highlight again how difficult the current situation is with intense heat and drought together with the escalating currency crisis as the Zimbabwe dollar yet again plunges in value against the US dollar which makes food and medicine more and more difficult to procure.
There have been major changes at one of the special care homes we assist: the new house matron has done a wonderful job of cleaning the house, improving the meals, and organizing counselling sessions through another local agency which have been very successful in helping to calm them down and, deal with past trauma. She is very experienced in dealing with special needs adults and running a home and this means that several of the residents have been able to get back to their small jobs which keeps them busy and occupied and able earn money to buy airtime and the odd small treat from time to time. It has been so good to see the improvement in everyone’s happiness and general well-being.
Connie M
It was lovely to spend some time with Connie M. who, when asked if she was happy with her move to the home said, “How can one be happy when one is 92 years old, almost blind, unable to read, knit or sew anymore” but, she did say she was, “settled, comfortable, well fed, cared for and content”. I guess that is the best we can hope for and she is certainly a lot better off than she was when she first came to our attention.\
Elsa T
We visited Elsa T. who had had a basal carcinoma removed from her nose which was causing her a lot of pain and discomfort. She also suffers from psoriasis and the itching is driving her to distraction. Still, she is amazing, managing on her own and so grateful for the help and visits from ZANE.
Patty C
In one of the outlying homes we were able to assist Patty C was taken to hospital to have her leg lanced after developing an abscess – had this been left any longer the likelihood of her losing her leg was high.
* Names and images may have been changed for privacy reasons
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Thank you – Nicky Passaportis ZANE Australia
Please donate to support pensioners struggling to survive in Zimbabwe
Any assistance is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to giving our pensioners a better quality of life and lift the pressure of money worries which is very debilitating emotionally.
(Donations made to ZANE in Australia, are tax-deductible)