ZANE Australia Vision – To provide relief to pensioners, ex-servicemen and women, and other vulnerable groups as well as bringing developmental opportunities to impoverished communities in Zimbabwe

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Who We Support

Silently Starving – ZANE Food Appeal

ZANE Australia

ZANE Australia – Zimbabwe A National Emergency is an Australian registered charity that helps the destitute, vulnerable and impoverished people in Zimbabwe. It is the largest supplier of financial aid to elderly people and operates the only network of caring support in Zimbabwe. ZANE runs various projects: the treatment of 1,500 children with clubfoot, the provision of hearing aids, prosthetic limbs for victims of land mines, school and farming projects to support destitute women and children.

The situation in Zimbabwe is worse than ever. On top of massive governmental mismanagement and corruption, today large swathes of the country are suffering acute drought and a major famine. An estimated 2.4 million people need urgent food aid. The first to feel the cruel impact are the weakest and most vulnerable: like Peter*.

Widower Peter lost his job, savings and pension when the hyper-inflation hit and the economy collapsed. With national unemployment rates of over 90% he was soon destitute. Referred by a concerned friend, today ZANE supports Peter with regular food supplies and essential medication.

Peter’s situation is common. Conditions worsen daily and the waiting list of desperate people in need of ZANE’s support is growing.

* Name has been changed on grounds of security

Are you a Zimbabwean living abroad?

Even if you don’t live in Australia, please register with ZANE and be kept up to date with information that may be of interest to Zimbabweans living abroad.

What They Are Saying About ZANE?

Having grown up in Zimbabwe and after many years of involvement with ZANE I can state categorically that it is an excellent organisation. The team on the ground in Zimbabwe know each individual they help and treat the old, sick and afflicted with kindness and compassion. I have no hesitation in recommending that you support this worthy cause.
Henry Olonga
Former Zimbabwe International Cricketer